Ep 15: Disaster Preparedness

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Dr. Mike and Dr. Scott talk about how to prepare for the unexpected. When disaster strikes, what can you expect and is there something within your control?

Here are some resources mentioned on the show: https://www.fema.gov/helping-pets and https://www.cdc.gov/features/petsanddisasters/index.htm

Also check out their Wildfire Safety Guide

Episode Cocktail: Dark Nā€™ Stormy

  • 1 1ā„2 oz Dark rum

  • Stormy ginger beer, to top

  • Fill a tall glass with ice, and add the rum.

  • Top with the ginger beer.

  • Garnish with a lime wedge.


Ep 16: Communication Trick in Vet Med


Ep 14: Miracle Cases