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Where we gather animal professionals and animal enthusiasts to discuss the most pressing, silly and interesting topics in the animal kingdom. If you met a couple of vets at a cocktail party, this is what they’d be talking about.


Dr. Mike

Dr. Mike grew up in Iowa and has been a vet for 25 years. He practices in Los Angeles where he caters to the rich and famous and the poor and unknown alike. He has a passion for behavioral medicine and communications. He has worked in the pharmaceutical industry and lived all across the country.


Fun Facts About Me

Stand Up Comedian

Dr. Mike has performed comedy at the Ice House, Comedy Store, and Flappers comedy clubs. To say he’s funny may be an understatement.

Bow Tie Vet Guy

He is the creator and host of the Bow Tie Vet Guy YouTube channel as well as co-creator of the web series The Nevermore Chronicles. While that doesn’t make him rich or famous, it has gotten him into Comic Con on a regular basis.


Dr. Scott

Dr. Scott grew up on a farm in the Midwest, and from an early age dreamed of being a veterinarian. He has practiced in Alaska, Washington, California, and Oregon. He currently resides in Davis, CA with his partner, a labradoodle (mutt) named Daisy, and two rescue tuxedo cats, Wordle and Pinot Noir.


Fun Facts About Me

Enjoys Cooking

In addition to the podcast, Dr. Scott uses cooking and mixology as ways to express his more creative side.

Avid Traveler

Dr. Scott enjoys travel, and has journeyed to many countries around the world including Madagascar, China, Nepal, Peru, and Indonesia.

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Why we started a podcast

The Vets Unleashed started as many great ideas do, over drinks. Scott and Mike have continued their friendship over the years since graduating from Iowa State College of Veterinary Medicine. Every time they met and talked about what was important to them or happening in their lives, they thought, “Everyone should hear this. We’re SO interesting.” And after twenty-five years they actually did something about it.