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Where we gather animal professionals and animal enthusiasts to discuss the most pressing, silly and interesting topics in the animal kingdom.

If you met a couple of vets at a cocktail party, this is what they’d be talking about.

Our Audience

Our audience consists of early career veterinarians, vet techs and seasoned professionals. They look to us for the behind the scenes and true conversations that can only be hand by experienced veterinarians such as ourselves. Our lifelong friendship coupled with our more than 20 years within the industry allows us to have informative yet witty conversations about our experiences and bring our colleagues from different fields to share their insights.


Top 3 Cities


Audience Breakdown


Get in touch.

We want to partner with organizations and brands to help introduce our audience to new platforms, resources and events. Contact us and see how we can help you increase brand awareness and reach.


Tune Into These Fan Favorites