Ep 60: When Works Not Working

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Unfortunately, when work’s not working, you have to rip the bandaid off and bid it so long, farewell, auf wiedersehen, goodbye. Today, Dr. Scott and Dr. Mike are biting the bullet as they discuss how to quit a job. They’re digging deep by sharing the telltale signs that you need to look out for when work is no longer working for you. Tune in as they share personal stories, including tips for knowing what to do and how to quit a job with a clear and clean exit strategy.

A Closer Look at the Episode:

  • [2:36] The vets’ experience with quitting a job

  • {3:36] Coming up with an exit strategy

  • [4:37] Finding your network of support

  • [5:32] Quitting without a new job lined up

  • [6:58] Is corporate medicine different?

  • [7:41] A job is a contract, not a family

  • [8:53] Realizing that there aren’t any perfect jobs

  • [11:40] Bringing in positivity and trusting your training

  • [14:00] Taking care of your mental health first

  • [14:43] Being strategic with your resignation

  • [16:07] Signs to look for when creating an action plan to leave

  • [18:36] Dr. Scott’s quitting story

  • [21:33] Protecting yourself by having a plan

Episode Cocktail: The Farewell Fizz

  • 1 ounce gin

  • 2 dashes simple syrup

  • 1/2 ounce lemon juice

  • 2 ounces Champagne


Ep 61: A Profession in Crisis


Ep 59: Not Every Vet is a Vet