Ep 2: Can You Afford To Keep Your Pet Alive

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You know about it. You may even encourage others to get it. But do you have it? The Bow Tie Vet Guy and Dr. Scott dive into a subject they admittedly don't think much about for their own animals but wish all their patients had.

Our guests are vet tech, Jessie Johanne, and pet owner, Katya Lidsky.

Episode Cocktail: The Insurance Policy

  • 1 1/2 oz Angostura bitters

  • 1/2 oz Luxardo Cherry Syrup

  • 1/2 oz Lemon juice

  • Ice

  • 2 oz dry Sparkling Wine

In a mixing glass, mix bitters, syrup, ice, and lemon juice. Strain into a flute. Top with sparkling wine. Enjoy


Ep 3: Pet Food Fight


Ep 1: Emotional & Monetary Blackmail in Veterinary Medicine