Ep 75: Eliminating Vet Care Deserts with Dr. Courtney Campbell

Hey gang! Welcome back to another episode of Vets Unleashed, the podcast that speaks with animal lovers and professionals about the comings and goings in the animal kingdom. 

Whether you are a new owner or a veteran, finding quality pet care you can trust can be an ordeal. These issues are exacerbated even more in areas where pet care isn't readily accessible. These “Vet Deserts'' are defined as areas with less than one veterinarian for every 200 households. Such a dearth of pet care can cause a strain on your pet (and families) emotional well-being. Combined with other potential barriers, these vet deserts can make pet care an arduous ordeal.

In this episode, we are joined by Dr. Cortney Campbell. Dr. Campbell has a wealth of experience as a podcaster, lecturer, veterinarian, and animal advocate. We discuss the need for diversity in the vet world, how vet deserts can affect the pet’s emotional and physical well-being, overcoming barriers for care and what it is like to work in corporate vet care.

This episode focuses and does a great job of highlighting the issues that come from vet deserts and how they affect healthcare. Thanks for joining us!


Episode 76: Season 6 Welcome


Ep 74: How to Set Up a Trust for Your Pet with Jeff Stromberg