Ep 73: Understanding Pet Funerals and its Importance to the Family

Today, Dr. Mike and Dr. Scott are talking to Lisa McClenahan, sister-in-law to Dr. Mike, hypnotherapist, and life coach who offers a pre-euthanasia service for pet owners looking to give their animals a more meaningful send-off and find closure for themselves during the difficult experience that is pet loss.

Lisa shares her experience holding rituals, the connections humans have with their pets, and why she believes animals find you and not the other way around. We also talk about why having honest and open discussions with your vet before you put your pet down can help make the process easier for you and your family

Tune in to hear a fascinating discussion about the rituals you can infuse into a pet’s funeral to make it a more meaningful experience for everyone.

Episode Cocktail: Funeral For A Friend Cocktail


Ep 74: How to Set Up a Trust for Your Pet with Jeff Stromberg


Ep 72: How Vet Techs Can Maximize Their Degrees with Leslie Ferguson