Ep 69: What Toxic Positivity Looks Like in the Veterinary Field

It’s no secret that the vets fear that veterinary medicine is a profession in crisis. The vets have addressed it on their show before but today, they’re taking a look at one aspect that contributes to the crisis: Toxic positivity.

The vets explore what toxic positivity can look like both within themselves as well as in the general scope of the industry. They speak about why positivity and positive thinking are only appropriate in certain situations, why it can only take you so far, and why it’s only helpful if you have support. Next, they discuss the implications that the pandemic has on veterinary medicine as it pertains to toxic positivity. They ask one another if toxic positivity is more prevalent as a result as well as what hospitals might be doing to combat toxic positive culture.

Episode Drink: Bee Positive

  • 1.5 oz Patrón Añejo

  • .5 oz Green Chartreuse

  • .5 oz Lime juice

  • .2 oz Honey syrup

  • 7 Cherry tomatoes, 2 for garnish

  • Fresh black pepper for garnish


Ep 70: Network & Build Professional Relationships That Advance Your Veterinary Career


Ep 68: Myth Bustung in Vet Medicine